Turkish Passport Application

Turkish Passport Application

Turkey is known for its warm hospitality, excellent climate, and renowned seaside resorts, making it a popular tourist destination. Many tourists visit for vacations, but a substantial number also opt for permanent residency. In 2022, there was a 33.2% decrease in the number of immigrants compared to 2021, yet the total foreign population in the country still reached 494,052 people. Although the exact figures vary annually, Turkey consistently attracts a significant number of foreign residents, with hundreds of thousands choosing to make it their home.

One of the significant advantages that Turkey offers to foreigners is the accessibility of a residence permit. While obtaining a Turkish passport is a more challenging endeavor, there are ways to streamline the process. Here's how to apply for a Turkish passport.

The Main Ways to Obtain Citizenship in Turkey

Turkish legislation recognises the following ways for acquiring Turkish citizenship:

  • By Birth: A child of a Turkish mother or father automatically becomes a Turkish citizen, regardless of whether the child was born inside or outside of the country. However, the parents must be legally married. In the case of illegitimate children, their nationality is determined through a special procedure. Children of Turkish mothers receive citizenship immediately without any conditions. If the father is Turkish, his paternity must be established through a specific protocol.
  • By Claim: Children of Turkish parents who did not register their offspring immediately after birth can apply after reaching the age of 18. The Ministry of Internal Affairs will review the application and, if the grounds are valid, issue a Turkish passport to the applicant. 
  • By Birthplace: Being born in Turkey does not automatically grant you the right to claim Turkish citizenship, except in cases where a child born in the country has not acquired the citizenship of their foreign parents. This primarily applies to stateless children or those born to unknown parents.
  • By naturalisation. This way is available to foreigners who meet certain requirements and have lived in the country for at least five years.
  • By special merit. You can also get a Turkish passport for exceptional services to the state. In each such case, the decision is made individually. 
  • By marriage. Being married to a Turkish spouse does not make you automatically eligible for a Turkish passport. However, having a Turkish partner makes the process faster than regular naturalisation.
  • By Regaining Turkish Citizenship: Former citizens who have lost their right to a Turkish passport can, under specific conditions, reacquire Turkish citizenship through a simplified procedure. There are various pathways to achieve this, with the requirement of residing in the country for three years before applying, often contingent on the circumstances surrounding the loss of citizenship.

A special procedure has also been put in place for citizens of the partially recognized Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. By the order of the Turkish Ministry of the Interior, they are granted a Turkish passport without any conditions.

Istanbul. Photo: Beyzanur K.

Dual Citizenship

Turkish law permits dual and multiple citizenship, and this doesn't affect the process of obtaining a Turkish passport. Turkey does not require its new citizens to update their country of origin on their new status. However, if a Turkish citizen obtains a new passport from another country, they are required to inform the Turkish authorities

Citizenship by Naturalisation

The requirements to meet include:

  • Being of legal age: Turkish law enforces this condition only on stateless applicants, who must be at least 18 years old at the time of application. For others, the age requirement is determined by the national law of their respective countries. For instance, if in your country of origin, you need to be 21 years old to acquire or surrender citizenship, this condition will apply.
  • Residing in the country for five years: Applicants must have lived in Turkey for five years before applying, without leaving the country for more than six months in total during that time.
  • Demonstrating the intention to settle in Turkey: Various factors will be considered, including having a job contract in Turkey, owning real estate in the country, transferring your business to Turkey, and more.
  • Being free from diseases that may constitute a hazard to public health. 
  • Possessing an adequate command of the Turkish language.
  • Having good moral character and posing no threat to public order. 
  • Having sufficient income for one's livelihood in Turkey: To acquire citizenship, you must prove that your income or profession is enough to make a living and that you will not become a burden on the local social security system.

Citizenship by Marriage

Marriage to a local does not automatically lead to Turkish citizenship. Foreign spouses are eligible only if they have been married and living in the country for at least three years. Other conditions to meet include:

  • Residing with your Turkish spouse: The applicant must reside with their Turkish spouse, and a joint investigation conducted by the Police Department of the province and the Citizenship Application Review Committee will establish whether the spouses actually live together.
  • Posing no threat to national security or public order: The Office of the Undersecretary of the National Intelligence Organization and the General Directorate of Security will scrutinise all archives to investigate any involvement in riots, espionage, weapons and drug smuggling, document forgery, or similar offences. If such activities are found, the citizenship application will be denied.
  • Absence of acts jeopardising the marriage: This refers to serious acts such as prostitution mediation or engagement in prostitution. 

Although spouses of Turkish citizens are more likely to get a positive resolution on their passport application, the decision remains with the Turkish authorities.

Antalya. Photo: Tuba Karabulut (Pexels)

Citizenship by Investment

The Turkish Citizenship by Investment programme allows wealthy foreigners to become Turkish citizens in a faster and easier way. Significant financial investment in the local economy does not necessarily lead to citizenship but greatly increases the chances of obtaining it.

There are several investment programmes available:

  • Acquire property worth at least $400,000 with a three-year resale restriction.
  • Invest a minimum of $500,000 in a project approved by the Ministry of Industry and Technology.
  • Create employment for at least 50 people in Turkey, as attested by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security.
  • Make other investments totaling at least $500,000 with a three-year withdrawal restriction. These investment options include purchasing government bonds, making a deposit in a Turkish bank, buying shares in real estate investment funds or venture capital investment funds, or contributing to funds approved by the Insurance and Private Pension Regulation and Supervision Agency.

To begin the process of obtaining a Golden Passport, follow these steps: Select your investment option, open a Turkish bank account, complete the investment, and obtain a certificate confirming the implementation of your investments. This document is issued by the competent authority responsible for the investment program of your choice and is necessary to initiate the application process. You also have the option to include your family members in your application. 

The average processing time for a citizenship application is 120 days. If the application is approved, the foreigner receives an approval certificate. After that, they must issue a local ID card.

Documents Required for Turkish Citizenship

The specific list of documents required may vary depending on the type of citizenship application, but it generally includes:

  • A completed application form.
  • Three photos.
  • A translated and notarised copy of the passport.
  • The most recent Turkish residence permit, if applicable. This is necessary for certain citizenship types that require prior residency in the country. Please note that not all types of permits are considered when calculating the total duration of residence. For example, study visas and real estate ownership visas are not included.
  • The marriage certificate, if applicable.

Citizenship by naturalisation also requires:

  • A certificate of absence of diseases posing a risk to public health.
  • Proof of sufficient level of income. The applicant must prove that they can provide for themselves and any dependents by submitting a work permit, tax certificate, letter of commitment, or other documents certifying their income or profession.
  • Proof of five years of residence in the country, i.e. the documents stating the date of your entry and exit from Turkey, if any.

Where to Apply for Turkish Passport

The address depends on the type of citizenship application:

  • Applications for citizenship by naturalisation and citizenship by marriage are submitted to special committees established in the foreigner's province of residence. These committees do not have the authority to make final decisions on passport issuance; that falls under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of the Interior. Their role is to determine, at the initial stage, whether the applicant meets the eligibility criteria for applying.
  • For other types of applications, the applicant can submit their application to the Administration office in their place of residence within Turkey or to the Turkish diplomatic mission's office abroad.

Upon receiving the documents, the relevant authorities initiate a case file for the foreigner. They conduct a thorough review, verifying crucial details before forwarding the case to the Ministry of the Interior. Subsequently, the Ministry examines and investigates the case before forwarding the documents to the Cabinet of Turkey, which ultimately renders the final decision.

After Citizenship Is Granted

After being granted Turkish citizenship, the new citizen should reach out to the General Directorate of Civil Registration and Nationality to obtain a local ID card. Appointments can be scheduled through their website or by contacting the Alo 199 hotline. In certain instances, exceptions may apply, allowing for ID card applications to be submitted at a Turkish diplomatic mission abroad.

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In a Nutshell

There are several pathways to obtain Turkish citizenship, including by birth, by marriage, by investment, for special merit, by naturalisation, and more. For foreigners without Turkish heritage, the most accessible routes are citizenship through marriage, investment, and naturalisation.

Having a Turkish spouse makes you eligible for citizenship after three years of married life together. To become eligible for citizenship by naturalisation, you must reside in Turkey for five years. To become eligible for citizenship by investment, you do not need to wait at all but must make serious financial commitments. An investor can apply for a Turkish passport after buying a property worth at least $400,000.

Cover photo: İbrahim Mücahit Yıldız (Pixabay)

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