Temporary Residence Permit in Turkey

Temporary Residence Permit in Turkey

Turkey is a welcoming country that allows visa-free entry for citizens of many countries. Foreigners from countries not included in this visa-free list can obtain a visa for up to 90 days every six months. An electronic visa service is available to citizens of more than 100 countries, meaning that you will not need to apply for the visa in person.

If you wish to stay in the country for a longer period, it is necessary to apply for a residence permit. This article will explain the grounds for obtaining a residence permit, the process for obtaining it, and the features of the TRC card.

The Main Types of Turkish Residence Permits

Turkish legislation distinguishes six primary types of residence permits:

  • Short-Term. A diverse range of individuals can apply for this type of residence permit, including tourists, entrepreneurs, property owners, and others. The list of requirements for obtaining this residence permit includes 14 points, including the completion of Turkish language courses. The maximum duration of this type of residence permit is two years. An exception applies to investors, who can obtain a short-term residence permit for five years, provided they purchase real estate worth at least $400,000 or government-approved securities worth at least $500,000. These investments must remain in the country for at least three years. Ownership of cheaper real estate (valued between $50,000 and $70,000 depending on the city) also grants the right to a residence permit, but only for one year with the possibility of renewal. 
  • Family. Spouses and children of Turkish citizens, as well as of foreigners who have legally resided in the country for at least a year, can apply for this residence permit. In this case, the sponsoring party, which may be the spouse or parent, needs to prove the presence of sufficient income to support the family — at least one-third of the Turkish minimum wage per applicant per month. The sponsor's total income must be no less than one Turkish minimum wage (at the time of writing, it was 11,402 Turkish lira or $429). The duration of this residence permit is three years, but cannot exceed the duration of the spouse or parent's residence permit.
  • Student. This residence permit is issued not only to university students but also to school students receiving their primary or secondary education in Turkey. Its duration either coincides with the period of education if it is less than a year or is valid for 12 months with the possibility of further extension. This residence permit is only granted for full-time education.
  • Long-Term. You can obtain permanent residency in Turkey after eight years of legal residence but you’ll need to adhere to specific conditions. You’ll need to be a law-abiding, financially independent individual with medical insurance. You are financially independent if you have not used social welfare for at least the past three years and have sufficient means to sustain yourself in the country. There are no specific financial requirements, but when applying for permanent residence, the authorities may require bank statements, an employer's certificate, a certificate for income-generating real estate, and so on. Investors who have invested sums ranging from $400,000 to $500,000 in the local economy can also apply for a long-term residence permit.
  • Humanitarian. This is an exceptional residence permit, for which there are no specific conditions or requirements for the candidate. This residence permit is granted in extraordinary circumstances. The validity of this residence permit does not exceed one year.
  • Residence permit for victims of human trafficking. This is a special type of residence permit granted either to actual victims or potential ones. Initially, it is issued for 30 days, and then for six months. This residence permit can be extended every six months, but not for more than a total of three years. This is also an exceptional permit to which the requirements for other types of residence permits do not apply.

Istanbul. Photo: Alp Cem (Pixabay)

The Turkish Residence Permit Document

The temporary residence card (TRC) is the confirmation of resident status. It is a plastic card with the foreigner's photo and details. There are two types of TRC, depending on the duration:

  • Kısa Dönem İkamet İzni: this is a temporary residence permit with a limited validity period. It confirms all types of residence except for the long-term one.
  • Uzun Dönem İkamet İzni: this is the long-term residence permit. This document has no time restrictions.

How to Obtain TRC

To obtain a TRC, you’ll need to contact the immigration office. Depending on the basis for obtaining residency, you can do this online through the e-ikamet service (for family, student, short-term, and long-term residence permits) or by attending the office in person (for humanitarian and residence permits for victims of human trafficking).

Obtaining the permit involves two fees:

  • For the card. The fee amount changes every year. As of 2023, it is 356 Turkish Lira ($14).
  • For the temporary residence permit in Turkey. You pay for each month of the TRC validity, with the first month being more expensive and subsequent months cheaper. The specific fee amount depends on the applicant’s nationality. You can find the exact amount for a specific nationality on the Directorate General of Migration's website.

To apply online, you need to register on the e-ikamet website and use the special module for initial applications. You will need to fill in all the mandatory fields and click ‘Submit’. The system will:

  • Calculate the government fee, which can be paid directly on the website, at tax offices, authorised banks, and Finance Ministry cashier offices. 
  • Generate a list of required documents.
  • Schedule a date and location for a meeting with an immigration officer.

Cappadocia. Photo: Mar Cerdeira (Unsplash)

After this, you will need to gather the necessary documents and attend the interview. You will have an additional 30 days to submit any missing documents. Failure to do so will result in the annulment of your application, and you will need to start the process again.

The processing time for the application is a maximum of 90 days from the submission of the necessary documents. You can check the status of your application on the same e-ikamet website. However, you will receive the notification of the decision via email and/or phone in any case.

If the decision is positive, you will receive the TRC by mail. You can appeal a refusal with the Ministry of Internal Affairs or in court. You can also submit a new application, but for a different reason, as attempting the same application again will not be possible until at least six months have passed. 

It's crucial to adhere to all the deadlines. For instance, you can only submit the application within ten days after the expiration of your visa or visa-exempt stay. Otherwise, you will have to leave the country, re-enter for 90 days, and only then attempt to apply for the residence permit. 

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In a Nutshell

To obtain temporary residence in Turkey, it is necessary to select the correct type of permit, gather the required documents, pay the state fee for the residence permit, schedule an appointment with an immigration office either in person or online, and attend the appointment at the designated time. You then submit the documents and await a decision. A positive decision results in the issuance of a plastic identity card proving the residency status of the foreign national. If your application is denied, you can appeal this decision with the Ministry of Internal Affairs or in court.

Cover photo: Istanbul. Engin Yapici (Unsplash)

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