Upon booking
On handover
Tüm rehberleri PDF olarak indirin
Yeni bina tipi stüdyo daireler, dubleks | Konut sınıfı elit |
Teslimat süresi Teslim edildi | Fitnes merkezi Mevcut |
Kat sayısı 4 | Çocuk oyun alanı Mevcut |
İç tamamlama işleri anahtar teslimi | Spor sahası Mevcut |
Barbekü alanı Mevcut |
The new Armoni Smart Line project will be located in the prestigious Oba district, next to the famous Alanyum shopping center, Metro hypermarket, Kochtash store and, importantly, very close location to the Alanya State Hospital. There are many restaurants, shops, markets, schools and kindergartens within walking distance. Despite this, the area is very quiet, with large orange orchards nearby.
1 fotoğraf
Anahtar teslimi tamamlama
Adres: BAE, Dubai, Saih Shuaib 2, BLOCK J P176 TİCARİ, ofis No. J-00