Upon booking
Within 12 months
Tüm rehberleri PDF olarak indirin
Yeni bina tipi dubleks | Konut sınıfı elit |
Teslimat süresi Teslim edildi | Yüzme havuzu Mevcut |
Çocuk oyun alanı Mevcut | Spor sahası Mevcut |
Daire sayısı 126 | Kapalı avlu Mevcut |
A new project called Kilic Marina, which promises to become one of the most popular projects in Beylikdüzü, is ready to welcome its new residents. This complex is positioned as a place where you can relax from the hustle and bustle of the city, enjoying fresh air and unobstructed access to the E5 and E6 expressways.
5 fotoğraf
Adres: BAE, Dubai, Saih Shuaib 2, BLOCK J P176 TİCARİ, ofis No. J-00