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HEAVEN GARDEN HOMES project is located on Belek Street, just 5 minutes drive from the center of Belek and Serik. To the beaches of Belek and Kadriye - 10-15 minutes, to the airport of Antalya - 25 minutes, to the city center - 30-40 minutes. The area has everything you need: markets, bakeries, cafes, restaurants, pharmacies, hospitals, schools, bus stops, stores and places of personal hygiene. Tourist attractions, entertainment centers, shopping centers and golf courses are also nearby. The project includes a unique Olympic-sized outdoor swimming pool, water park, gym, fitness center, sauna, cafeteria, tennis court, children's playground and covered parking lot. All these amenities make life comfortable and luxurious.
8 fotoğraf
Anahtar teslimi tamamlama
Adres: BAE, Dubai, Saih Shuaib 2, BLOCK J P176 TİCARİ, ofis No. J-00