Tüm rehberleri PDF olarak indirin
Yeni bina tipi stüdyo daireler | Konut sınıfı elit |
Teslimat süresi 3 çeyrek 2024 | Yüzme havuzu Mevcut |
Fitnes merkezi Mevcut | Kat sayısı 8 |
Çocuk oyun alanı Mevcut | Kapıcı Mevcut |
WI-Fi Mevcut | Bisiklet park alanı Mevcut |
The complex will consist of one eight-storey block with 57 apartments. Residents of the complex will have access to: lobby, children's playroom, recreation room with library, table football, table tennis, darts, fitness room (198 m2), sauna, Turkish hammam (17 m2), outdoor swimming pool, bar, barbecue area, gazebos, children's playground, outdoor parking for carsili, parking for bicycles. Given the remote location of the complex from the sea, a shuttle service to the beach will function for the convenience of the residents of the complex. Near the complex: wholesale market, chain stores, grocery stores, public hospital, secondary school.
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Adres: BAE, Dubai, Saih Shuaib 2, BLOCK J P176 TİCARİ, ofis No. J-00