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Yeni bina tipi stüdyo daireler, dubleks | Konut sınıfı elit |
Teslimat süresi Teslim edildi | Yüzme havuzu Mevcut |
İç tamamlama işleri anahtar teslimi | Spor sahası Mevcut |
Saha içinde park Mevcut | Barbekü alanı Mevcut |
Akıllı ev Mevcut |
On offer is one of Phuket’s rare low-rise developments with oversized apartments. This gated community is not just for golf enthusiasts but, anyone looking for an exclusive and secure living. They are conveniently located within 10 minutes from Phuket international airport and pristine beaches of Maikhao and Naithon.
Anahtar teslimi tamamlama
Adres: BAE, Dubai, Saih Shuaib 2, BLOCK J P176 TİCARİ, ofis No. J-00