29,4 B üzeri
Fiyat, $
22,6 üzeri
Toplam alan, m²
Yeni bina tipi stüdyo daireler | Konut sınıfı elit |
Teslimat süresi 4 çeyrek 2025 | Yüzme havuzu Mevcut |
Fitnes merkezi Mevcut | Çocuk oyun alanı Mevcut |
Spor sahası Mevcut | Saha içinde park Mevcut |
Saha içinde güvenlik Mevcut |
LRT City Cibubur is an area developed by PT Adhi Commuter Properti in Cibubur area. The development of this area is taking an approach that maximizes the use of public transport and maintains amenities for cyclists and pedestrians. LRT City Cibubur has been developed with a biophilic design concept to improve the physical and mental health of residents. In addition to the visual appeal of LRT City, Cibubur also offers a variety of comprehensive support facilities both within and outside the area.
Adres: BAE, Dubai, Saih Shuaib 2, BLOCK J P176 TİCARİ, ofis No. J-00