Terms of Use

Housearch IT LLC, (hereinafter referred to as the Company) offers the user (hereinafter referred to as the User) offers a service for searching ads for the sale of apartments, houses and other real estate at https://housearch.com (hereinafter referred to as the Service) on the terms and conditions set out herein (hereinafter referred to as the Terms).

1. Acceptance of Terms

1.1. By starting to use the Service, User expresses their full and unconditional acceptance of all the requirements set out in the Terms. The use of the Service is governed by these Terms, which constitute a legally binding agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) between User and Company.

1.2. Using the Service on conditions other than those provided herein shall not be allowed unless authorized in writing by Company. If User does not agree to any of the conclusion of the Terms, they shall immediately cease using the Service. Company reserves the right, at its sole and absolute discretion, to change or modify provisions of these Terms at any time. Any such changes will become effective since the publication of the new version at: https://housearch.com/legal/user-agreement.

1.3. User represents and warrants that they have the full legal capacity necessary to the use of the Service according to the Terms; and acknowledge that they have read the Terms, understand, and agree to be bound by their conditions. By accessing, or using the Service, or otherwise indicating User’s acceptance to these Terms whenever the option is presented to User: (a) User is acknowledging that they have read and understand the most current version of the Terms; (b) User is representing that they are of legal age to enter into a binding agreement with Company; (c) User is accepting the Terms and agreeing that they are legally bound by the Terms; (d) User is agreeing that the Terms will be deemed to satisfy any requirement under applicable law that an agreement between User and Company be in writing; and (e) User is agreeing that their actions in registering for or logging into the Service or otherwise indicating User’s agreement to the Terms will be deemed to be User’s valid authenticated signature for purposes of any applicable law requiring that the Terms between User and Company be signed by User in writing.

2. Provision of the Service

2.1. The Service provides the User with the ability to search for and choose advertisements for the sale of apartments, houses, and other properties. All functions of the Service that currently exist, and any development made to them or new functions added, shall be subject to these Terms.

2.2. Advertisements and other information provided by Company partners (“Partner” or “Partners”) may be uploaded and published in the Service by Company by agreement with Partners.

2.3. Information about a property given in an advertisement is provided for reference purposes. Company does not guarantee the accuracy or authenticity of this information, nor does it guarantee that the information is up-to-date. When using information about a real estate property, it is necessary to play close attention to the date the property was updated (if available).

2.4. Information about currency rates in advertisement is provided for informational purposes only. Company do not guarantee the accuracy of the displayed exchange rates and their compliance with the conversion rate when making a transaction. Before carrying out operations related to currency conversion, it is necessary to check the exchange rate in official sources.

2.5. To protect the contact information of those who have published advertisements from use by an undefined group of people or for purposes not related to the use of the Service, Company can substitute the number published by the User on the Service. Company can record and store telephone conversations between Users that use the changed number, as well as the contact information shown in the service, and the telephone number of the User who made the call for processing in accordance with this Agreement.

2.6. By publishing contact information on the Service, and by initiating contact using the information given, the User expresses their agreement to Company recording the conversation and the telephone number from which the call was made, and using the information about the call for the purposes of determining the likelihood of the User making a transaction using the information published on the service, storing text communications, and transferring that data to a Company partner, the entity that provides the technical capabilities for this function to be implemented, and the person who received the User's call, in order to provide the User with feedback.

2.7. Company may assist the user in searching for real estate, including by providing relevant information based on the information received from the User, and the parameters they set. Interaction with the User may be performed via the Service's support service operators during their telephone conversation with the User, or by providing the User with the contact details of a Company partner.

2.8. For the specified purposes, Company with the consent of the User, can forward the User's call to a Company partner. When forwarding a call, Company may use the number substitution function under the conditions given in clause 2.4 of these Terms.

2.9. By passing on information during a conversation with a support service operator, and by submitting an application by filling out a form in the Service (if such a form is provided), the User agrees to Company processing the personal information provided to them in accordance with these Terms, including the transfer of the information received to a Company partner in order to provide feedback on the acquisition of a real estate property.

2.10. Company shall not participate in further relations between the Company partner and the User, and also does not guarantee that a real estate property and/or a residential complex that meets the User's requests and expectations will be selected, that feedback will be put into practice, or that the offer will be relevant, etc.

3. Intellectual Property and content moderation

3.1. The exclusive right to the Service is owned by the Company. These Terms shall not grant to the Users any rights to use the Service except as provided directly within the Service interface in accordance with these Terms.

3.2. Any information used in the Service is intended solely for personal, non-commercial use. Additionally, any copying of the Service's data, including using automatic and other software tools for accessing data, and reproducing, processing, distributing, making them available to the public on the Internet, and using them in the media and/or for commercial purposes without the prior written permission of the copyright holder is prohibited, except where expressly provided for in these Terms.

3.3. The User acknowledges and agrees that the Company is not under obligation to review any content or information provided through the Service by Partner (hereinafter referred as “Partner Content”) and that the Company has the right (but shall not be obliged) to remove any Content available through the Company services. The User acknowledges and agrees that the User shall independently assess any risks related to using User Content including its reliability, validity or usefulness.

3.4. The Company reserves the right to remove, limit distribution of or modify Partner Content, or change the way it’s used in the Service, if Company believes that such Content violates these Terms, Copyright or any of our other legally binding policies, or other circumstances where Company feels such action is in the best interest of the Company or Users. During the moderation activities Company may:

  1. Investigate User’s use of the Service to determine whether a violation of these Terms, Company’s policies or other applicable law or policy has occurred, or to comply with any applicable law, legal process, or an appropriate governmental request;
  2. Detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, false or unverifiable information, security, or technical issues or respond to user support requests;
  3. Refuse, revert, disable, or restrict access to the Service of any User who violates these Terms;
  4. Ban a User from posting content or block User's account or access for actions violating these Terms, including repeated posting of unlawful material under applicable law in line with human rights principles;
  5. Take legal action against Users who violate these Terms (including reports to law enforcement authorities).

3.5. Company’s moderation activities may be informed or performed by software (such as traffic flood ("Denial of Service") protection). Company also uses human review to take actions against User Content that violates Company’s policies or applicable law.

3.6. If User believes that any material posted at Housearch violates such User’s rights, User is entitled to file a complaint and provide arguments in one of the following ways:

Send to the Company a scan of the complaint to: [email protected] If User is sending a message as a “Trusted Flagger” (as defined in the DSA), such User shall specify [Trusted Flagger] in the subject line of the email.

3.7. If User believes that Company has not satisfactorily acted on a problematic report, or if User has been subjected to the Company’s moderation action that User wishes to challenge, User may be able to submit an appeal by email.

4. Limitation of Liability

4.1. The Service is provided "as is". The Company does not provide any guarantees regarding the error-free and uninterrupted operation of the Service or its individual components and/or functions, the compliance of the Service with the specific goals of the User, and also does not provide any other guarantees not specified expressly in these Terns.

4.2. The Company is not responsible for the relevance and reliability of the information provided in the Service. The User shall independently assess all risks associated with the use of information, including assessing the reliability, completeness, or relevance of the information, as well as its compliance with applicable laws.

4.3. Any disputes, issues, complaints, or claims related with the content, form, propagation, or other use of information provided by Partners should be addressed to the Partners of the service who own the corresponding information. Information about Partners may be shown in advertisements, and on Partners' websites.

4.4. The Company shall bear no responsibility for any direct or indirect consequences of any use or inability to use the Service and/or losses caused to the User and/or third parties as a result of any use, non-use or inability to use the Service or its individual components and/or functions, including due to possible errors or failures in the operation of the Service, except where explicitly provided for by law.

4.5. The Company reserves the right, at its own discretion, to restrict the User’s access to the Service (or to certain functions of the Service, if technologically possible) using his or her account, or to fully block the User’s account, without giving a reason, in case of repeated or gross violations of these Terms, the Agreement, or the Regulating Document, or to take other measures against the User to ensure that legislative requirements are met or third-party rights and legitimate interests are respected.

4.6. The Company is not a party to relations between Users of the Service that are directly related to the sale of apartments, house, and other real estate properties, as well as to making corresponding transactions.

5. Amendments

5.1. Company reserves the right to change or extend these Terms at any time with effect for the future only, as far as this appears necessary and does not adversely affect User against good faith. An amendment may be necessary in order to adapt to changes in the legal situation. Recent court rulings are also considered changes in the legal situation. Changes and further developments of the Service or other services offered may also require a change or amendment of the Terms.

5.2. Company reserves the right to modify or discontinue the Service at any time with or without notice to you, including without limitation by adding or subtracting features and functionality, third party content, etc. In the event of such modification or discontinuation of the Service, User’s sole remedy shall be to terminate this agreement or cancel her subscription if applicable. Continued use of the Service following notice of any such changes will indicate User’s acknowledgement and acceptance of such changes and satisfaction with the Service as so modified.

6. Miscellaneous

6.1. For questions and complaints related to the use or inability to use the Service, as well as possible violations of the law and/or the rights of third parties in the Service, the User can send an appeal to Housearch IT LLC at UAE, Dubai, Trade Center Second, The Offices 5, Unit No. FLR06-06.06-6.

6.2. The DSA provides opportunities to dispute the decisions that online platforms make about content and user accounts. If you believe we've mistakenly taken action on your account or reported content, you can appeal our decision within six months by sending a message to us using the contacts posted on this page, including if you disagree with the outcome of an appeal.

In addition, you can contact a certified out-of-court dispute settlement body to help resolve any dispute with us relating to our actions on your account or reported content, including if you disagree with the outcome of an appeal. The European Commission maintains a website listing the available certified settlement bodies. Decisions by out-of-court dispute settlement bodies are not binding on you or on Housearch.

6.3. Under Article 24(2) of the DSA, online platforms are required to publish information on the average monthly active recipients of their service in the EU at least once every six months.

Housearch confirms that the average number of monthly active recipients of our service, for the period from February 1st, 2024 to July 31st, 2024 in the EU was 3803. This number has been calculated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the DSA and the Guidance published by the European Commission on February 1, 2023.

Housearch IT LLC

Date of publication: March 16th, 2025

You can access the previous version of the Terms of Use using this link: https://housearch.com/legal/user-agreement-23032024/

Housearch Transparency Report (Regulation (EU) 2022/2065)

In accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2022/2065 (the EU Digital Services Act or DSA) for Online platforms, Housearch provides the following report in during the period of February 17, 2024 – February 16, 2025.

DSA Article 15(1)(a): Government Orders from Member States

  • The number of orders received from Member States’ authorities to act against illegal content provided by recipients of the service, categorized by the type of illegal content concerned and the Member State issuing the order.

During the relevant period, Housearch received zero orders from EU Member States’ authorities to act against illegal content provided by recipients of the service.

  • The number of orders received from Member States’ authorities to provide specific information about one or more individual recipients of the service in the context of illegal content-related incidents, categorized by the type of illegal content concerned and the Member State issuing the order.

During the relevant period, Housearch received zero orders from EU Member States’ authorities requesting specific information about individual recipients of the service.

  • The time needed to inform the authority issuing the order, or any other authority specified in the order, of its receipt, and to give effect to the order.

As noted above, Housearch received zero orders from EU Member States’ authorities requesting specific information about individual recipients of the service during the relevant period.

DSA Article 15(1)(b): Notices of alleged illegal content concerned

  • The number of notices of the presence on their service of specific items of information that the individual or entity considers to be illegal content, categorized by the type of alleged illegal content concerned.

During the relevant period, Housearch received zero notices from the individual or entity considers of information against illegal content.

  • The number of notices submitted by trusted flaggers.

During the relevant period, Housearch received zero notices from trusted flaggers.

  • Any action taken pursuant to the notices by differentiating whether the action was taken on the basis of the law or the terms and conditions of the provider.

During the relevant period, Housearch didn’t take any of requested action, because as noted above, we received zero orders from any subjects under this article.

  • The number of notices processed by using automated means.

During the relevant period, Housearch proessed zero notices by using automated means.

  • The median time needed for taking the action noted above.

As noted above, Housearch received zero notices from subjects, so the paragraph of this article is not applicable.

DSA Article 15(1)(c): Own-Initiative Content Moderation

Housearch doesn’t provide content moderation, because users from EU cannot make content on the online platform. So, the paragraph of this article is not applicable.

DSA Article 15(1)(d): Appeals

  • Number of complaints received through the internal complaint-handling system provided for recipients of the service to lodge complaints against decisions whether or not to remove or disable access to information provided by a recipient of the service, restrict visibility of information provided by a recipient of the service, suspend or terminate the provision of the service, in whole or in part, suspend or terminate a recipient’s account, or restrict a recipient’s ability to monetize information provided.

During the relevant period Housearch received zero appeals of the types of decisions described above.

DSA Article 15(1)(e): Automated Content Detection

  • Any use made of automated means for the purpose of content moderation, including a qualitative description, indicators of the accuracy and the possible rate of error of the automated means used in fulfilling those purposes, and any safeguards applied.

As noted above, Housearch doesn’t provide content moderation, because users from EU cannot make content on the online platform. So, the paragraph of this article is not applicable.

DSA Article 24(1)(a): Out-Of-Court Disputes Settlement

  • The number of disputes submitted to the out-of-court dispute settlement bodies.

During the relevant period there is zero out-of-court dispute settlement on Housearch.

  • The outcomes of the dispute settlement.

As noted above, there is zero out-of-court dispute settlement on Housearch, so the paragraph of this article is not applicable.

  • The median time needed for completing the dispute settlement procedures, as well as the share of disputes where the provider of the online platform implemented the decisions of the body.

As noted above, there is zero out-of-court dispute settlement on Housearch, so the paragraph of this article is not applicable.

DSA Article 24(1)(b): Suspensions Against Misuse

The number of suspensions against misuse provided on Housearch:

  • The suspensions enacted for the provision of manifestly illegal content equals zero suspensions.
  • The submission of manifestly unfounded notices equals zero suspensions.
  • The submission of manifestly unfounded complaints equals zero suspensions.

Адрес: UAE, Dubai, Saih Shuaib 2, BLOCK J P176 COMMERCIAL, office No. J-00