What is a No Objection Certificate in Dubai?

What is a No Objection Certificate in Dubai?

If you live and work in Dubai or are planning to buy property there, you need to know all about the No Objection Certificate (NOC), a document that may come in handy in many cases. But what is NOC? Here's a comprehensive guide on its purpose, along with essential details on how and where to obtain the Dubai NOC.

Meaning of a NOC

Where is NOC used in UAE? When it comes to job applications, changing companies, starting a business, opening a bank account, purchasing vehicles and property, and obtaining a resident visa or driver's licence in Dubai, a No Objection Certificate (NOC) can often be a crucial requirement. Join us as we delve into a detailed investigation of a few examples highlighting the instances where an NOC may be necessary.

A No Objection Certificate (NOC) can be acquired from a range of entities, including agencies, organisations, and, in certain cases, even individuals. This document is typically addressed to various departments within the UAE. The contents of the NOC will vary depending on the specific purpose for which it is obtained.

The No Objection Certificate (NOC) is a straightforward document in terms of structure. What is the NOC meaning? It takes the form of a formal letter wherein the author explicitly declares their lack of objections to the actions you intend to undertake.

The No Objection Certificate (NOC) should include essential details such as the issuance date, the address, and contact information of the issuer (the author of the letter). Additionally, it is crucial to include the full names of all signatories involved in the document, along with any other relevant information that may be necessary for the upcoming procedure.

NOC and Work in the UAE

What is NOC in terms of working in UAE? The requirement for a No Objection Certificate (NOC) often arises within the context of employment in the UAE. This certificate holds significant importance when transitioning between jobs, particularly when your contract has expired or when your new employer assumes the role of your sponsor. The No Objection Certificate issued by your employer typically exhibits the following characteristics:

  • Issued by your employer or sponsor.
  • Available in both English and Arabic languages.
  • The employer is obligated to provide this document free of charge.

Lifted Employment Ban

A No Objection Certificate (NOC) becomes necessary when the employment ban is lifted. Immigration authorities may impose this prohibition for various reasons, including:

  • When the term of an employment contract has expired and the employer has not taken any action regarding further employment.
  • When a fixed-term employment contract is completed before its expiration date.
  • When an indefinite employment contract is completed before one year of service passes.

In these cases, it is possible to face a work ban ranging from six months to one year. The duration of the ban is determined by several factors, including the type of contract, consent to termination, and other relevant considerations.

What for is NOC letter? If you wish to lift or prevent this ban, you have the option to contact your employer. They have the authority to renew your work permit or issue a No Objection Certificate (NOC) that enables you to transfer to another employer.

Photo: The Coach Space (Pexels)

Regulations in the UAE are subject to frequent changes, but according to the latest updates a worker needs to take the following steps to lift a work ban:

  1. Obtain a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from their most recent employer. The NOCmust be in Arabic.
  2. Secure an offer letter from a new employer. The new employer must offer a minimum wage as follows: AED 5,000 for those with a high school diploma), AED 7000  for those with a master's degree, and AED 12,000 for those with a bachelor's degree.
  3. Prepare an appeal and submit the necessary paperwork to the Ministry of Labour. Following this, it is simply a matter of waiting for the approval process to be completed.

Additional Jobs

In the past, individuals who held full-time positions and desired to take on part-time employment were required to obtain a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from their primary employer. However, the legal framework underwent a change in 2018, eliminating the need for NOCs in such situations. As a result, individuals are now free to pursue additional employment without the requirement of obtaining an NOC.

However, it is possible that the second employer may still request a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from your primary workplace. Such instances can occur. Nonetheless, it is important to note that, according to the law, the primary employer cannot prohibit their employee from engaging in additional employment without a court order.

NOCs and Applying for a Visa in the UAE

Work Visa

When gathering the necessary documents for your UAE visa application, you may also be required to obtain a No Objection Certificate (NOC). The requirement for an NOC is dependent on the type of visa you are applying for.

Is it needed to obtain NOC for working in Dubai? When applying for a work visa, it is not necessary for you to request a No Objection Certificate (NOC) as your employer will be responsible for handling your visa-related matters. They will also take care of the preparation and submission of all the required documents on your behalf.

Tourist Visa

Typically, when applying for a tourist visa, a No Objection Certificate (NOC) is not required as part of the paperwork. Moreover, when entering the country, you only need to present a valid passport and visa; an NOC is not necessary for entry.

Real Estate Proprietor Visa

In order to obtain a resident visa through the purchase of real estate, a No Objection Certificate (NOC) may be required. This is particularly relevant if you have acquired the property through a mortgage. In such cases, the bank that granted you the loan should issue a No Objection Letter, confirming their consent for you to receive a visa.

Photo: Marc Mueller (Pexels)

NOC and Starting a Business

Whether I need to get a No Objection Letter for starting a business in Dubai? If you are currently employed by a company and plan to establish your own business, it is necessary to obtain a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from your current employer.

It is essential to compile your application accurately and effectively to obtain the approval of your employer. Once your current company provides you with the NOC, you can proceed with starting your own business. It's important to note that you have the right to continue working full-time while simultaneously developing your new venture.

NOC and Real Estate Deals

Living in UAE whether I need NOC to sell the properties? In real estate transactions, a No Objection Certificate (NOC) is required, which serves to certify various aspects of the property's status. This document confirms that the property seller has fulfilled all obligations and has no liabilities towards the developer. It also verifies the absence of any encumbrances or collateral on the property and ensures there are no outstanding debts related to utility bills and building maintenance fees. Additionally, in certain cases, the property management company must provide a note stating their agreement with the sale of the flat to the designated buyer.

In this scenario, the issuance of the No Objection Certificate (NOC) is facilitated by the construction company responsible for managing the building. The seller initiates the request for the NOC and is responsible for covering the associated fees, which vary depending on the type and value of the property. The fee typically ranges from 1,000 to 5,000 AED.

When gathering the necessary documents for registering a real estate purchase and sale agreement, it is advisable to prioritise submitting the No Objection Certificate (NOC) last in the queue. It's important to note that the NOC has a validity period of five days. If you are unable to obtain the remaining documents within this timeframe, the NOC will expire, necessitating the acquisition of a new one.

How to get NOC in Dubai? Recently, the option of obtaining electronic No Objection Certificates (eNOCs) has been introduced, offering the same validity period as their paper counterparts. If you are conducting a transaction in Dubai, you can conveniently receive an eNOC through Dubai REST, the official mobile application of the Real Estate Regulatory Agency (RERA).

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In a Nutshell

In conclusion, this article tells about the NOC meaning in UAE. The No Objection Certificate (NOC) holds significant importance in the UAE; however, it is crucial to stay updated on the country's ever-evolving rules and regulations. The list of procedures requiring an NOC can change over time. Therefore, it is essential to consult the relevant paperwork list for your specific procedure. It is possible that the procedure you currently require may either now demand an NOC or no longer require one.

Cover photo: Alexander Suhorucov (Pexels)

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