What is NOC and How to Obtain One?

What is NOC and How to Obtain One?

The NOC is one of the frequently asked questions by foreigners considering emigrating to the United Arab Emirates. This abbreviation stands for "No Objection Certificate." You may be required to provide it in a variety of situations, such as when applying for a job, buying a property or a car, obtaining a visa, or starting a business. This article will help you understand all the essential details about the NOC and share tips on how to obtain it quickly and easily.

About NOC 

The NOC is a short official letter issued to inform that the author of the letter doesn’t object to any procedure or activity carried out by the requesting party.

Who Issues the NOC?

In fact, almost anyone can issue this document: government, public and commercial organisations as well as individuals.

If the author of the no objection letter is an organisation, the document must be issued on its letterhead in two languages, Arabic and English.

Belgravia II (Housearch)

The NOC must include the following:

  • date of issue,
  • issuer's address,
  • full names of all signees,
  • issuer’s contact details,
  • any information required by the requesting party (read below for details).

NOC for Property Buyers 

The No Objection Certificate is an essential document when buying or selling properties in the UAE. It is illegal to sell real estate without a NOC in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and any other emirate in the country. Therefore, you should avoid making any payments other than an advance payment before this document has been properly verified.

NOC: Issuers and Contents

In the case of real estate, the property’s developer must provide the NOC to the seller of a real estate or commercial property. The letterhead document should state there are no utility debts and all service fees have been paid on time. The latter include the maintenance of the territory around the building, common areas, play- and sports grounds, swimming pool, gym, and underground parking (if any).

In addition, the developer must clearly state it approves the selling of the property to the buyer.

How to Obtain a NOC in the UAE

In some cases, both the buyer and the seller must be present when issued an NOC, but in other instances, they can obtain it through email. The electronic version of the NOC is equally valid as the paper one.

If you’re buying a property in Dubai, you may send a request for the NOC in an app developed by the Dubai Real Estate Regulatory Agency (RERA), which is part of the Dubai Land Department. The app is called Dubai REST and helps deal with a wide range of issues for any properties in Dubai.

How Much Does a NOC Cost? 

Issuing an NOC for property deals is not free in the United Arab Emirates. The developers can charge from 1,000 AED to 5,000 AED ($270 to $1,300).

How Long Does It Take to Acquire a NOC?

The timing of issuance varies among developers and depends on whether there are any unpaid fees and fines for the property. If there are payment-related issues and an independent accounting audit is required, the issuance of the NOC may be delayed indefinitely.

However, this rarely happens. As a rule, a No Objection Certificate is ready in two to seven days.

How Long is a Developer’s NOC Valid?

Both electronic and paper versions of the NOC issued by the developer are valid for only five days. If the deal isn’t closed within this period, you must request another NOC and pay for it again. That’s precisely why the NOC is the last document in the list of those required for registering the sales and purchase contract.

NOC for Residence Visa

A No Objection Certificate is a prerequisite for getting a residence visa in Dubai if the property is mortgaged. The owner must provide the NOC for obtaining a visa as well as their bank statement. The bank that gave out the mortgage issues both of these documents.

It’s crucial not to forget that you can only get this type of visa when at least 50% of property value has been paid off. In case your property costs over 1.5 million AED, 750,000 AED must be paid back to the bank before applying for a visa. The NOC must state the bank has received the required amount of money and there are no obstacles for obtaining the residence visa for the requesting party.

To apply for a residence visa and submit the required documents, you have two options: visit the office of the Dubai Land Department in person or apply online through the DLD Vault website or the Dubai REST application. The cost of obtaining a residence visa typically starts from 15,000 AED ($4,100), and the processing time can range from three to five working days. Choose the method that best suits your convenience and needs to ensure a smooth and efficient visa application process.

Expo Valley (Housearch)

Important Information About Residence Visas in Dubai

The Dubai government aims to attract foreign nationals and has introduced various visa programs to allow individuals to stay in the emirate for extended periods. One such option is obtaining a residence visa, which is available to those who purchase property in Dubai.

Until October 2022, the Golden Visa was the most popular visa type for investors. By investing a minimum of 5,000,000 AED ($1,360,000), you could obtain a 5-year residence permit in Dubai. On October 3, 2022, new amendments to the visa legislation took effect, lowering the minimum entry-level for the Golden Visa to 2,000,000 AED ($545,000).

Moreover, you can get a 3-year residence visa under the Taskeen Programme launched by the Dubai Land Department. In this case, you must invest at least 750,000 AED into local properties ($205,000). Previously, you could invest only in ready-made real estate, but last year they also allowed investing in projects under construction.

Any type of residence visa for investors requires them to own properties for no less than three years since the date of purchase.

Also, these visas allow you to get an Emirates ID. It’s necessary to open an account with a local bank, get a driver’s licence and deal with other issues. The residence visas can be renewed an unlimited number of times and apply to the investor’s family too, including their husband or wife and children.

Berkeley Place (Housearch)

What Else Can NOC Help You With?

The No Objection Certificate can be useful in numerous ways. Here is a list of the most common ones:

  • Opening a bank account or Internet account.
  • Getting a driver's licence.
  • Buying real estate or a car.
  • Launching, restoring or expanding a business.
  • Getting new business partners.
  • Opening a company branch.
  • Renewing a business licence.
  • Starting a new job in the UAE.
  • Changing jobs in the UAE.
  • Lifting the labour ban in the UAE.
  • Accessing immigrant services.

Nevertheless, in some cases, including all those mentioned above, you may not even need the NOC. The UAE’s laws are constantly updating, so you should check the particular requirements regularly.

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In a Nutshell

A No Objection Certificate is a vital document for anyone moving to the UAE. It’s quite easy to get it, but keep in mind that the NOC for real estate deals is valid for only five days.

Cover photo: Urban Oasis by Missoni (Housearch)

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