How a Foreigner Can Obtain Latvian Citizenship: Legal Options and Important Details

How a Foreigner Can Obtain Latvian Citizenship: Legal Options and Important Details

Latvia is a cosy and accessible country in the European Union. The country’s appeal derives from its culture, high living standards and the positive attitude of the local population towards foreigners. If you want to enjoy all the privileges of living in this country, you need to become a Latvian citizen. You can select from different legal options listed below.

Who Can Acquire Latvian Citizenship?

Any foreigner has the right to obtain the legal status of a Latvian citizen. However, this requires compliance with two key criteria: the initial receipt of a residency permit and residence in Latvia for at least five years.

During this five-year period, the applicant can leave the country, but the total time spent outside of Latvia must not exceed 1 year, and any such departure from the country must not last more than six months. The requirements are more stringent for the citizens of certain countries (for example, the citizens of some countries in Africa. To apply for Latvian citizenship, they must have lived in Latvia for 10 years).

Riga, Latvia. Photo:

Latvian legislation stipulates three key ways to acquire citizenship: through naturalisation, marriage and descent. There are also other ways to stay in Latvia on a permanent basis. Students, the disabled and pensioners over the age of 65 all have the right to become Latvian citizens under a simplified citizenship programme. The actual procedure for obtaining Latvian citizenship takes about a year.

Staying in Latvia illegally is prohibited. To legalise your stay, you must obtain a residency permit. The simplest option is to buy property in Latvia costing at least EUR 250,000 (approximately USD 270,000). The purpose of the purchase can vary.

Latvia does not allow dual citizenship. However, this requirement does not apply to foreigners from the EU and NATO member states. Migrants from all other states must renounce any other citizenship.

Option 1. Citizenship through Naturalisation

Under this option you are expected to gradually learn Latvia’s national culture. To obtain citizenship through naturalisation, foreigners must comply with the following criteria:

  • the applicant must be aged 15 or older
  • the applicant must have been living in the country for at least five years
  • the applicant must be proficient in the Latvian language
  • the applicant must have a basic knowledge of the Latvian Constitution, the country’s history and culture
  • the applicant must have no criminal record in their home country
  • the applicant must have a legal source of income 

House of the Blackheads in Riga. Photo:

The authorities check your knowledge of Latvia's cultural traditions in several stages. To be allowed to start the procedure, the applicant must take an oath of loyalty to the country and pay a state fee equivalent to approximately EUR 30 (USD).  Some categories, such as pensioners and refugees, may be exempt from paying the fee altogether or be eligible for a discount.

After paying the fee, you will have to pass the Latvian language proficiency test. The first part is oral, while the second part is written. Anyone over the age of 65 is exempt from the written test. It is only after passing this test that applicants can take the test on knowledge of Latvia’s history, Constitution and the national anthem. It is up to the applicant to decide how to take the tests, either in person or online.

To confirm their financial solvency, candidates must submit supporting documents to the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs, including a statement from their workplace, tenancy agreement, pensioner’s certificate, bank statement, etc. All incomes must be legal.

Option 2. Citizenship by Descent

Children with at least one Latvian parent can acquire citizenship without any problems. Descendants of Latvian citizens are also eligible for a Latvian citizenship, but on one important condition. Their ancestors must have been citizens before June 1940. Eligibility for a Latvian citizenship by descent extends to both direct descendants and their children, as well as grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

All the required documents must be submitted to the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs. Furthermore, you will need to provide proof of kinship with Latvian ancestors: a birth certificate, passport, marriage documents, etc. The list of documents will depend on the specific case. If you cannot submit the documents in person, you can apply via a Latvian diplomatic mission.

Turaida Castle, Sigulda. Photo: Kristaps Ungurs (Unsplash)

Option 3. Citizenship through Marriage

Spouses of Latvian citizens can obtain Latvian citizenship if they comply with the following criteria:

  • they have been living legally in the country for at least five consecutive years
  • their marriage was registered at least 10 years ago
  • the foreign spouse is ready to present the marriage certificate

To all intents and purposes, citizenship through marriage involves the same process as citizenship through naturalisation. The applicant will still have to take tests on their proficiency in the Latvian language, knowledge of culture, the history of the country, etc.

Riga, Latvia. Photo:

What are the Benefits of Latvian Citizenship?

Once you become a citizen of Latvia, you will be able to live in a multiethnic country with a developed economy. In addition, Latvian passport holders can:

  • live in any other European country
  • work in any Schengen country
  • obtain Latvian citizenship for their minor children
  • receive education and medical care in the best institutions in Europe
  •  enjoy visa-free travel to almost any country in the world

In addition, after becoming citizens, former migrants are entitled to participate in Latvia's political life: vote and join parties.

In a Nutshell

It is difficult to acquire Latvian citizenship. The easiest way to officially become a Latvian is through naturalisation. However, even in this case, you will have to obtain a residency permit, live in the country for at least five years and pass the necessary tests. The procedure itself takes a long time, up to a year.

If everything goes well, the new citizen will enjoy a number of advantages since Latvia is an EU member State. As well as freedom of movement within Europe, you gain access to high-quality social services. Moreover, the cost of living in Latvia is perceptibly lower than in other European countries.

Cover photo: Gilly (Unsplash)

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