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How to Get Barbadian Citizenship

How to Get Barbadian Citizenship

Barbados is an island in the Caribbean Sea, covering an area of 430 square kilometres, primarily consisting of coral formations. Its unique geography offers residents the opportunity to enjoy the sound of the waves at any point, while its volcanic origins mean that there are numerous caves that you can explore. Traditionally, the island’s advantages include its climate: the northeast trade winds protect it from extreme heat. As a result, the average maximum daytime temperature in Barbados ranges from 21°C to 30°C.

However, it is not only the stunning white sandy beaches and comfortable climate that make Barbados an attractive destination for immigration. It boasts high local living standards: according to the Human Development Index 2021 by the UNDP, this country ranks 70th out of 191.

The advantages of the Barbadian passport include the use of English as the primary language, quality free education based on the British model, a well-developed network of public and private clinics, and visa-free access to 164 countries. So how to get Barbados citizenship? Consequently it is hard to obtain citizenship for good reason, although there are still options. We will discuss the main ones.

Grounds for Obtaining Barbadian Citizenship

How to obtain Barbados citizenship? The main acts on Barbados citizenship (Constitution and 1982 Act) provide the following grounds for obtaining Barbadian citizenship: by birth, by registration and through naturalisation.

Citizenship by Birth

According to the Barbados nationality law, children are automatically eligible for the country’s passport:

  • if they were born in Barbados to a Barbadian mother;
  • if their parents are unknown and they are found in Barbados and the citizenship of such children cannot be established;
  • if they were born abroad and at least one of their parents holds a Barbadian passport.

Photo: Scott S. Bateman (Unsplash)

Citizenship by Registration

How to become a Barbados citizen by registration? Citizenship by registration, unlike citizenship by birth, is not granted automatically. The right to obtain a certificate of registration is granted to:

  • citizens of countries listed in the first schedule of the Citizenship Act, as well as the holders of passports of the Republic of Ireland, if they have been living in the country or have been in government service for seven years prior to the submission of the application. In addition, it is important that at least five of the seven years have been spent in the country. The so-called first list includes Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and several other countries. The residents of the British Overseas Territories receive Barbados citizenship under the same rules.
  • anyone born in Barbados. In this case the citizenship of the parents is irrelevant. One exception concerns the children of the diplomatic staff of foreign countries, who are not eligible for citizenship.
  • the spouses of citizens of the country who have lived with them in a lawful marriage for seven years.

The parents or foster parents of children under the age of 16 can apply for citizenship on their behalf. However, the final decision always rests with the government of Barbados, which may refuse to grant citizenship for various reasons. The following represent the main reasons: 

  • outstanding criminal convictions in any country which resulted in a prison sentence of at least one year,
  • the bankruptcy of the applicant,
  • the lack of financial means to support yourself and
  • any other circumstances indicating the undesirability of issuing a Barbadian passport to a specific applicant.

Citizenship through Naturalization

In addition to the first list of individuals eligible for simplified citizenship procedures, a second list includes all other foreigners. How to become a citizen of Barbados in this case? To obtain a Barbadian passport, they must have lived legally in the country for at least seven years. Furthermore, they must not have left the island for 12 months immediately before the submission of the application, unless they had valid reasons.

Photo: Tom Jur (Unsplash)

Main and Additional Documents for a Citizenship Application

How to apply for Barbados citizenship? You can submit your application for Barbadian citizenship to the Immigration Department in person, by post or by uploading it onto their website. What other Barbados citizenship requirements are there? In addition, the applicant must:

  • Pay USD 300 for the submission of the application and USD 1,500 for its approval. Subsequently, you will need to pay a passport fee ranging from USD 100 to USD 300 for the processing of the main document.
  • Provide a package of documents. The list of documents varies depending on your application. 

What documents are needed for becoming a citizen of Barbados? The document package in all cases includes:

  • a birth certificate.
  • a marriage certificate, where applicable.
  • three photographs, one of them certified by a Justice of the Peace or Notary Public.
  • a copy of the passport.
In addition to the main list of documents, there is an additional list which depends on the grounds for the application for citizenship:
Grounds for the Application
Required Documents
Marriage to a Barbadian
Birth or baptism certificate of the spouse.
Death or divorce certificate if the marriage has dissolved or the spouse has passed away at the time of the filing of the application.
Birth in Barbados, as well as abroad if one of the parents has a Barbadian passport
The birth certificate of the child’s Barbadian mother or father, as well as confirmation of their citizenship.
The marriage certificate of the parents.
Medical certificate on the state of health of the applicant.
Letters from schools attended in Barbados.
Registration for citizens from the first list after seven years of residence, as well as through naturalisation
Medical certificate on the state of health of the applicant.
Letters from schools attended in Barbados.
Certificate of no criminal record.
Letter from the employer.
Bank statement.
Property tax certificate or other property documentation from the Property Department.

Photo: Tom Jur (Unsplash)

Golden Visa as an Indirect Way to Obtain Citizenship 

How to get Barbados citizenship by investment? The Barbadian nationality law does not allow for the receipt of a passport through investments. However, financial contributions to the local economy expedite the acquisition of permanent residency which in turn provides a direct pathway to naturalisation within seven to eight years.

Special Entry Permit (SEP)

When you obtain a SEP, you can live freely in Barbados, coming and going at your own discretion. However, to transform such residency into citizenship, you will still need to make the island your home. Such permanent residency also grants the holder access to a paid work permit.

Programme requirements:

  • over the age of 60, anyone under the age of 60 can apply for a temporary SEP;
  • assets worth USD 5,000,000;
  • investments of USD 2,000,000 in the country’s economy.

A special permit processing fee of USD 300 must be paid. The residence permit is issued for a period of five years with the possibility of renewal.

Other Options to Obtain Permanent Residency

You can obtain permanent residency:

  • immediately (in the case of the spouses of Barbadian citizens);
  • after five years of legal residence (in the case of other foreigners).

You need to apply for a residence permit before you can obtain permanent residency There are numerous options. Investors, property buyers and workers apply for the appropriate visa (Barbados golden visa) and extend it on arrival in the country. Since 2020 you can also obtain a Welcome Stamp in Barbados, which is a special renewable residency permit valid for 12 months. It is intended for digital nomads and remote workers from various countries. The requirements in this case are extremely simple:

  • the ability to demonstrate an annual income of USD 50,000;
  • if the application is approved, the readiness to pay a visa fee of USD 2,000 for an individual or USD 3,000 for a family within 28 days.

Photo: Tom Jur (Unsplash)

Permanent Residency Documents

The spouses of Barbadian citizens and residents who have lived in the country for five years can apply for permanent residency through the Immigration Department. To do so, they must complete an official application form and attach the following documents:

  • a birth certificate;
  • a death certificate of the Barbadian spouse, a marriage, or divorce certificate with them, where applicable;
  • the marriage certificate of the spouse;
  • a medical certificate;
  • a certificate of no criminal record from each country, where the applicant lived for more than half a year over the past three years;
  • four photographs, one of them certified by a Justice or Notary Public;
  • a copy of the bio-data page of the passport.

The filing of an application requires the payment of a fee of USD 300. If the application is approved, an additional payment of USD 1200 is required.

In a Nutshell

In conclusion, this article tells about how to apply for citizenship in Barbados. You can obtain a Barbadian passport by birth, registration or through naturalisation. While you cannot buy Barbados citizenship through investments, several programmes allow you to obtain permanent residency either immediately or after five years. The permanent residency permit allows then to apply for Barbados citizenship. You can go through the naturalisation process pursuant to the standard procedure after living in Barbados under this status for seven to eight years.

Cover photo: Tom Jur (Unsplash)