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Can Foreign Nationals Get Permanent Residency in Dubai?

Can Foreign Nationals Get Permanent Residency in Dubai?

Out of the 10 million residents of the UAE, only 1.5 million people are citizens of the country. Every year, 140,000 people come to live in the UAE for good, and most of them choose Dubai. The UAE attracts foreigners with its high standard of living and its stable economy. 

The UAE wants to move away from its dependence on the oil industry and so has a huge variety of programmes designed to attract investors, highly qualified specialists, talented people, and wealthy freelancers.

However, Dubai does not offer permanent residence in the usual sense of the word: when a residence permit is issued for an indefinite period. Dubai only offers residence permits with a validity period of one year and longer. The closest thing to a traditional permanent residency are the “Golden Visa”, the “green” residency, and the residence permit for retirees. All of these are issued for five and 10 years, and with one exception (the permit for talented schoolchildren and students) they can be extended for the same period an infinite number of times. This allows many foreigners to live in the country for a very long time.

Here is what you need to know about the residence permits available in Dubai, who can get them, and other details about the process.

How to Become a «Golden» Resident

The Golden Visa is a long-term residence permit, generally issued for 10 years. In most cases it can be renewed under the same conditions for the same period for an unlimited number of iterations. This visa is available to outstanding and talented people, those who have made significant contributions to the development of the UAE, as well as wealthy donors to the country. The following categories can get a “golden” residence permit:

  • Very talented people. The level of talent is determined by local authorities, so each applicant must obtain appropriate approval from the relevant authority. People working in culture and art need one from the Ministry of Culture and Youth; innovators and inventors — from the Ministry of Economy or other authorised body; athletes — from the state sports body; tech talents — from the Emirates Council on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transactions, and so on.
  • Investors. To obtain a 10-year Golden Visa, they must either invest 2,000,000 AED ($544,500) in approved projects or in a company that pays a minimum of 250,000 AED ($68,062) in taxes annually. Investments in real estate also grant you the right to residence, except it is not for 10, but for five years and only on the condition that the minimum value of the property is 2,000,000 AED ($544,500). Their spouse and unmarried children also receive the right to residence for the same period. Investment residence holders can bring along an executive director or a consultant to manage their investments who, in turn, can also bring their family members with them.
  • Entrepreneurs. Not all businessmen can obtain a 10-year resident visa; applicants need to comply with strict requirements. One such requirement is that you need to register an innovative project with an income of 1,000,000 AED per year ($272,252) with the Ministry of Economy. Another option allows you to implement an innovative project from a local business incubator or the Ministry of Economy. The income of the selected programme cannot be less than 1,000,000 AED per year ($272,252). Other options are also available. For instance, entrepreneurs who manage to sell their project for at least 7,000,000 AED (which is almost $2,000,000) stand to obtain a residence permit. The common requirement for all cases is that the innovation must be revolutionary for the UAE or even beyond the country’s borders. As for the direction, it can be anything: technical and inventive projects, business plans, and so on.
  • Scientists and researchers in the fields of industry, health, and education. People who meet certain requirements can receive a 10-year residence permit which they can later renew multiple times. However, not all scientists can obtain a Golden Visa on this basis. First of all, according to UAE law, the applicant must have a Master's degree or PhD. Second, their area of expertise is extremely important. Third, the educational establishment where they had received their scientific title also matters. Depending on the applicant’s specialisation, the educational institution must be included in the top 100 list of world universities, the top 250, or the top 500 in the last 10 years. Fourth, the applicant’s score in the FWCI citation index and the h-index have a say, too. FWCI is the ratio of the number of citations your publications received to the average number of citations received by articles of the same type in the same field and over the same time period. The h-index (Hirsch index) is another internationally recognised indicator for assessing the productivity of scientists and researchers. Fifth, you need to get approval from the local Ministry of Labour, and also take out health insurance for yourself and your family members.
  • Specialists (qualified employees). They receive a residence permit on the same grounds and under the same conditions as scientists. However, the authorities evaluate these applications differently. In addition to having an employment contract, their qualifications must correspond to the first or second professional level on a local list. Besides that, specialists must have at least a Bachelor's degree and receive a salary of at least 30,000 AED ($8,167) per month. They also need health insurance, and certain professions (such as doctors and teachers) must obtain a local licence.
  • Graduates of schools and universities, including international ones. A special feature of this residence permit is that it is non-renewable. It is also given for 10 years, but you will not be able to extend it under the same conditions. However, in the 10 years that you live under this permit, you can provide yourself with other grounds for permanent residence. Keep in mind that this residence permit is an excellent incentive for foreign schoolchildren and students to study hard. Schoolchildren can obtain a residence permit regardless of whether they graduated from a public or private school as long as their educational establishment has a licence from the Ministry of Education, and the average score of the applicant is at least 95%. Students who graduated from a local state university must have a Bachelor's, Master's, or PhD, and demonstrate a certain level of academic performance calculated according to a special system. As for graduates of international universities, they can apply for a 10-year residence in the UAE only if their university is in the top 100 list according to the international classification approved by the local Ministry of Education. University graduates can apply for a residence permit within two years after graduation.
  • Humanitarian workers. Any applicant for this type of residence permit must have a higher education, as well as a significant contribution to the humanitarian field.
  • Medical workers who, according to local authorities, have protected the country during difficult periods, such as during a pandemic. This is an exceptional residence permit, which is issued under strictly defined circumstances.

How Much Does a Golden Visa Cost?

In 2023, the total fee for a Golden Visa was 1,100 AED ($300). However, bear in mind that the amount increases annually by 100 AED ($27).

How to Get a Green Residence Permit

A “green” residence permit in Dubai is a renewable five-year permit which can be obtained by:

  • An investor or business partner. This residence permit is intended for entrepreneurs planning to engage in investment or business activities in the UAE. The latter is only possible if you have an agreement with a local company. Anyone who decides to move to Dubai on this basis must first obtain a trade licence and then enter into an investment or partnership agreement. That's not all. They also need to obtain the approval of local officials from the government agency in the relevant field.
  • Qualified worker. The applicant must meet the first, second or third level of the local occupational classification system, have at least a Bachelor's degree and receive a minimum of 15,000 AED (about $4,000) per month.
  • Self-employed. To obtain a residence permit, a freelancer must first obtain approval from the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation. To be able to do this, they must have a Bachelor’s degree. An annual income of 360,000 AED ($98,000) is also a prerequisite.

How Much Does a Green Residence Permit Cost?

The basic fee for obtaining this residence permit is 200 AED ($55). There are also fees for additional services.

Photo: Sajimon Sahadevan (Unsplash)

How Can a Retiree Get a Residence Permit?

Wealthy foreigners with a stable income and a desire to move to Dubai can obtain a five-year residence permit. Once it expires, they can easily extend it for the same period. This requires simultaneous compliance with the following conditions:

  • The person must be 55 years of age or older.
  • They must have worked for at least 15 years before retirement.
  • They either own real estate in the UAE worth at least 1,000,000 AED ($272,252) or have an annual income of at least 240,000 AED ($65,340).

How Much Does a Retiree Pay for Residence?

The basic fee for obtaining this residence permit is 200 AED ($55). There are also fees for additional services.

Residency for Family Members

Almost all residence permits, with the exception of residence permits for talented students and schoolchildren, allow you to bring family members with you to Dubai. The UAE legislation recognises only legal spouses and children.

The validity period of their residence permit coincides with the validity period of the main applicant’s residence permit. The latter must bear all the costs of maintaining their household in the country, so when submitting an application, they will have to provide a certificate of financial solvency.

How to Get a Long-Term Residence Permit

The procedure for obtaining a residence permit in the UAE is extremely simple. To become a resident of Dubai, you need to:

  • Pick the suitable grounds and fulfil the programme conditions. For instance, make an investment or obtain approval from the local relevant ministry.
  • Sign up to the website of the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs of Dubai.
  • Fill in the online form.
  • Attach scans of your documents.
  • Pay the fees and submit your application.

What Documents Do I Need to Provide?

The package of required documents depends on the type of residence permit. In all cases, you will definitely need your travel passport and personal photograph. In addition, you may need:

Type of Visa


Golden visa for talented people

A copy of their sponsor's passport and a letter from the appropriate local government agency confirming the applicant's special talents or merits

Golden visa for investors

Depending on which programme the investor is applying for, they must provide ownership documents, proof of a deposit in the country and a trading licence, or a letter from the tax office

Golden visa for entrepreneurs

Letter from Dubai Future Authority

Golden visa for scientists

Letter from sponsors, as well as from the relevant ministry: Culture and Youth; Industry and Advanced Technology; Healthcare; Education, and so on

Golden visa for specialists

Employment contract, professional licence (if required) and proof of annual income of at least 30,000 AED ($8,167)

Golden visa for school and university graduates

Copy of residence permit and proof of outstanding abilities

Golden visa for humanitarian workers

Copy of residence permit, recommendation from the Ministry of Social Development, and a higher education diploma

Golden visa for medical workers

Copy of residence permit and recommendation from the relevant government agency

Green visa for investors and business partners

Trade licence and partnership or investment agreement

Green visa for qualified workers

Permit from the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation, as well as an employment contract

Green visa for freelancers

Self-employment permit from the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation

Five-year residence permit for retirees

Depending on the grounds, either a letter of a financial deposit and confirmation of the transfer of money to the UAE, or an extract on the movement of funds in a bank account for the last six months and a certificate from the pension foundation about regular receipt of funds

Family member residence permit

An employment contract if the employer is a private company, or a salary certificate for applicants working in a government agency. For children, you need to provide a birth certificate, for spouses a marriage certificate. If a foreign relative entered the country on a visa, you must provide a copy of it

Do I Need a Permit to Enter the Country?

If a foreigner comes from a country whose citizens need a visa to enter the UAE, then the process of obtaining a residence permit begins with obtaining the visa. It gives the right to stay for 60 days. During this time, the foreigner needs to complete the registration of a residence permit.

The process of obtaining a visa is as accessible as possible. To apply for it, you need to visit the website of the General Department of Residency and Foreigners Affairs of Dubai and submit the appropriate application. For each residence, you need to take out a dedicated permit to enter.

Photo: Euan Cameron (Unsplash)

In a Nutshell

There is no permanent residence permit as such in Dubai. People who want to move to the UAE and reside here permanently can apply for any of the residence permits, and then renew it on the same basis or change one type of residence permit to another.

It is best to obtain either a five-year or 10-year residence permit. Fortunately, there are many opportunities for this, because the UAE is very interested in talented, qualified workers and wealthy investors. This gives people with substantial capital or outstanding achievements in science or sports a certain advantage.

The procedure for obtaining a residence permit is as simple as possible: you can do everything online. The fee for a residence permit starts at $55.

Cover photo: Nick Fewings (Unsplash)